It took us an hour, but Jim the Donut Man was worth leaving downtown for. Those strawberry donuts? It was like strawberry and glazed donut sex in my mouth. I also tried the bavarian cream, which was like creamy filling and chocolate-glazed donut sex in my mouth. The tiger tails were good, too. I don't remember what happened after that.
Then on Sunday night, we had Jim (fresh from the FOB to promote his book, LA Noir) and Gabrielle over for dinner, to thank them once again for guest-blogging and loft-sitting for us while we were in Hawaii. My Jim made margaritas using our new blender (thanks Jeff!), we caught up on each other's lives, barbecued some Hawaiian chicken and sesame salmon, they watched Sopranos, and Reverend Jim schooled me on graphic novels and comic books. Thanks again Jim and Gabrielle, for keeping the loft and the blog safe.
I don't think we can allow anymore people named Jim, James, or Angel into our lives, not unless they have a nickname, like Tastypants. Then it's okay. Otherwise, it's getting too confusing.
sounds like you needed a cigarette after that donut experience...
Hi, Celia. Yeah, Jim the Donut Man is great. I was on a business trip to Rancho Cucamonga one day and on the way back I called my wife, who insisted I stop at JtDM for the strawberry donuts, plus whatever else I could get my hands on. The strawberries were just coming into season. Yum. My fave was the Bavarian cream, though. I've also discovered Primo's (Sawtelle and National), which I also like, but for different reasons (lighter, not-too-sweet jam-filled, old fashioned sour cream glazed). The donut options in LA are really very good.
Oh, have fun at the movie tonight. I **almost** got up enough nerve to go and talk to you last year at the Harold Lloyd presentation but chickened out at the last second. We would be at this one if it wasn't mid-week (too far to get to from work).
i still haven't hit the donut hole in la puente(?), but we went back to see the donut man again this last weekend. their cream cheese/strawberry glaze donut is AMAZING. it was like cream cheese, strawberry glaze and glazed donut sex in my mouth.
thibodem! you should've come up and said hi! i think we're going to seven grand for drinks after the movie tonight.
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