Saturday, May 13, 2006

freaking out a little bit

I'm so excited about my engagement party tonight. Jim and I were at Adam's the other night when they delivered the set-up and I thought I was going to jump up and down like a little kid. My aunts from Hawaii arrived Thursday night, Jim's parents arrived last night and Cousin Angel's flight from Chicago comes in this morning while we're all at the "meet the in-laws" brunch. I don't know why I'm a little anxious about that. Although my parents are O.G. and old country, I'm sure they're not considering how to bring live chickens and a pig along as some symbolic offering or dowry or something. Yeah, I'm trying not to think about it.

Jim thinks we may have overestimated our guests and ordered way too much food and booze. I'm not familiar with that concept - too much food and booze? What does that look like? I've heard of it but I don't think I've ever seen that.

Our original plans for entertainment fell through earlier this week, but we lucked out and were able to get this amazing singer, Hope, to perform a little mini-concert at the party. She's signed to Atlantic Records and is actually recording her album with Trevor Horn in London, but is here on a short break and was available. Hope played the Viper Room earlier this week, did anyone catch her set?

Thankfully my dear friend and music industry mentor, Violet Brown hooked us up with Hope. Yes, that Violet Brown. I've mentioned her several times to Jim, but only referred to her by her first name. When I told him who was helping out with entertainment, Jim tapped out something on his keyboard and pulled up iTunes and the Eminem track where Steve Berman of Interscope says Violet Brown told him to go fuck himself because his record is a piece of shit and asked, "That Violet Brown?" Yes baby, that's her.

I'm trying to relax and not get freaked out, but the karaoke machine we ordered still hasn't arrived. And I'm not wild about what I'm wearing tonight. I don't want to start listing the things that might cause me to freak out, but I think those two things are enough to send me sprialing out of control. I think I'll stop writing now and go eat some ube ice cream.


Anonymous said...

Celia. You're awesome and I'm so happy for you. Hope you enjoy a great party (stop freaking out - its all in the cards ;)... keep us all posted and congratulations. Dont get married and fall off the face of the earth though okay? See you when I get back. XO ERIC

Nanette said...

Ok, I know it's been a while since I've stopped by your blog, but did I miss the engagement post? Please accept my belated congrats!!! :)

And if you need any recommendations for LA wedding vendors, drop me a line and I'll be happy to fill ya in! All of mine were GREAT and I'd highly recommend them!

Maria said...


ube ice cream always does the trick.

celia said...

Nanette, the engagement post was posted on April 1st, so perhaps you thought it was a joke and didn't catch all the reassurances that it wasn't a joke. Besides, you were busy getting married. So congratulations to you and Brent!

And yes, ube ice cream is purple magic.