Monday, May 09, 2005

learning again

It's been a busy week. Creative Screenwriting Magazine videotaped 30 of the most popular seminars from the Screenwriting Expo over the past two weeks and comped some Los Angeles screenwriters. I wasn't able to hit all the seminars I wanted (too many things going on this past week) but the ones I did attend were stellar. I've been holed up on a sound stage at the Brewery with seminars starting at 7:45am. The longest day had us there until 11pm, but it was so worth it. I was able to fix some problems I've been having with a screenplay during one very rudimentary class.

Meeting anyone interesting was the last thing on my mind, but I met some cute guys in class. I went out for drinks one night and then for coffee the next with one really nice, very smart, impossibly cute guy. He asked me to have dinner with him tonight. I have nothing to wear, I hate my hair and I broke three pairs of heels this past weekend, but I am really looking forward to it.

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