TO OUR COMPANIES: Filming on location generally means utilizing property that is someone else’s house, store, etc., or a public street, sidewalk or other facility. Production company personnel are guests in such places, and are obligated to conduct themselves as such, and treat the public and the location with courtesy. It should not be expected that everyone in the surrounding environment will alter their lives to accommodate the needs of film production. If we do not all work toward improving our relationship with the local communities in which we work, more production will leave Southern California, resulting in fewer jobs for all.
TO THE PUBLIC: If your find this production company is not adhering to the Filmmaker’s Code of Professional Responsibility, please call FilmL.A. at 213-977-8600. If calling after normal business hours, you will still be able to report your concerns to a FilmL.A. staff member .
The Filmmaker's Code of Professional Responsibility will be attached to every permit, and must be shown to any member of the public who asks.
Production companies arriving on location in or near a residential neighborhood should enter the area no earlier than the time stipulated on the permit, and park one by one, turning engines off as soon as possible. Cast and crew must observe designated parking areas.
When production passes that identify employees are issued, every crew member must wear the pass while at the location.
Moving or towing vehicles is prohibited without the express permission of the municipal jurisdiction or the vehicle owner.
Production vehicles may not block driveways without the express permission of the municipal jurisdiction or the driveway owner.
Meals must be confined to the area designated in the location agreement or permit. Individuals must eat within the designated meal area. All trash must be disposed of properly upon completion of the meal.
Removing, trimming and or cutting of vegetation or trees is prohibited unless approved by the owner, or in the case of parkway trees, the local municipality and the property owner.
All catering, crafts service, construction, strike and personal trash must be removed from the location.
All signs erected or removed for filming purposes will be removed or replaced upon completion of the use of the location, unless stipulated otherwise by the location agreement or the permit.
When departing the location , all signs posted to direct the company to the location must be removed.
Noise levels should be kept as low as possible. Generators should be placed as far as practical from residential buildings. Do not let engines run unnecessarily.
All members of the production company should wear clothing that conforms to good taste and common sense. Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times.
Crew members must not display signs, posters or pictures that do not reflect common sense and good taste.
Cast and crew are to remain on or near the area that has been permitted. Do not trespass onto a neighboring resident's or merchant's property.
Cast and crew must not bring guests or pets to the location, unless expressly authorized in advance by the production company.
Designated smoking areas must be observed, and cigarettes must always be extinguished in butt cans.
Cast and crew must refrain from using lewd or offensive language within earshot of the general public.
Cast and crew vehicles parked on public streets must adhere to all legal requirements unless authorized by the film permit.
Parking is prohibited on both sides of public streets unless specifically authorized by the film permit.
The company must comply with the provisions of the permit at all times.